Second Day on Diet:- Good News

Follow up from : My Experiments with a Detox Diet ( GM Diet)

Woohoo, I was totally surprised to see 5 lbs off on just one day of diet when I weighed myself in the morning.  I seemed to have had a lot of water in my system that got out!
 Today was all vegetable day and for breakfast we were recommended to start with a baked potato. That was a pretty wholesome breakfast and the day was already looking better than the previous day.

Breakfast: Baked potato and corn

Lunch: Baked eggplant, corn, carrots, cucumbers

Dinner: Asparagus, eggplant, corn, soup

Whenever I felt like snacking my best resort was to drink some  wonder soup.

Besides the diet we promised to continue our routine of some excercise everyday. Hence we worked out today in the evening with a class of sculpt walking. Today went pretty well for me, I enjoyed  trying out variations to use vegetables with least oil in cooking, and eating some cooked food felt better than fist days just fruits.   While I felt great second day,  my friend and spouse mentioned head ache and stomach ache second day while their first day was a breeze unlike mine!

With day 2 done and 5 pounds less, I am hoping for better…..

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