Peach story -2 ;)

Continuing my lessons learned over the years with my peach tree in my backyard; this year I was ahead of the game!  Ref: “Other ways to reap the fruits of labor. – A Peach story” ; “Protecting your fruit trees from wildlife!” and “Necessity mother of invention! Squirrel Control!”

This spring, the flowers bloomed and small green fruits came in plenty. The missing story is they didn’t ripe to mouth watering sweetness.  The villains being the cute squirrels who were devouring my green peaches before they riped.  I handled the frustration for a few days due to busy schedules; till my daughter snap some cute pic’s of the squirrels and of course letting the little villains party on my tree for some days.

This year, I had my share of ripe peaches from the grocery store and my good friends peach tree, hence I changed the plot of the peach story like last spring and plucked the peaches in their green state. Before your thought process take sides to the story, let me tell you I still left some  peaches on the tree to maintain the balance of nature and feed the squirrel;)

Here’s the story in picture form ;)…. Email me if you want the recipe of the ‘Green Peach Pickle’.


green peaches


grated green peaches


peach seeds



Cute Vamp


The Happy Ending;)

peach pickle



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