Many of us don’t realize that our pantry supplies can help aid our small ailments without even seeking medical intervention. Let’s find out the health benefits of Fenugreek today and how one can incorporate it to cure your issues.
Fenugreek is a healing herb and its curative properties were discovered centuries ago when the Greeks used it feed it as hay to cattle. Over the years many a cure and benefit has been attributed to Fenugreek- the herb and its seeds.
Species name : Trigonela Foenum –graecum from the Leaguminosae/Pea family
Fenugreek are small upright plants, the species name obviously refers to the triangular leaves like clover which grow in threes. The seeds are yellow brown, tetrahedral- square shaped, with pungent aroma and bitter taste. The leaves are used in cooking as a green leaf vegetable and added as a flavor to many meat dishes, the seeds are powdered or used whole to add an umami flavor to many recipes. Both the leaves and seeds have historically been used for therapeutic reasons.
The many cures and uses of Fenugreek:
- Fenugreek may aid in metabolic conditions, such as diabetes. It can help increase carb tolerance and reduce blood sugar levels for diabetic patients. Drinking Fenugreek tea on an empty stomach each morning is know to help maintain blood sugar levels.
- Fenugreek has Galactagogic qualities promoting lactation. Eating fenugreek leaves in cooked form or drinking fenugreek tea are known to help nursing mothers boost breastmilk production. Fenugreek and Dill are a popular, safe and natural alternative to increase milk production
- Fenugreek is used as a digestive and laxative aid. It helps in upset stomach, indigestion, inflammation of stomach-Gastritis and in constipation. Soaking fenugreek seeds overnight and eating on empty stomach is said to coat the stomach layers reducing heartburn. Fenugreek seeds contain bulk and mucilage when mixed with water becoming gelatinous, and can ease bowels and encourage flow.
- Fenugreek also helps in easing painful mensuration and regulation, menopause and polycystic ovary syndrome. (Since it has emmemgogue qualities stimulate mensural flow, fenugreek in large quantities needs to be avoided in pregnancy)
- Known for its antiseptic and warming expectorant like qualities, gargling and drinking fenugreek tea helps in soothing coughs, sore throats, bronchitis, inflamed lungs, reduces mucus, helps in asthma and sinus problems.
- Reduces inflammation for condition such a wounds, boils, fistulas, sores.
- Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
- Hair growing stimulant. Fenugreek warmed in oil and massaged on scalp is said to help in increasing hair growth. Fenugreek and yogurt massaged in hair make the hair luscious and reduces hair loss.
- Fenugreek Poultice wrapped in cloths and warmed and applied is used to treat muscle pain, inflammations, gout, and eczema.
- It’s said to have ability to boost testosterone, exercise performance, libido and male problems.
- Appetite control. Fenugreek tea helps suppress appetite and hunger pangs makes one feel full, preventing over eating.
If you know and use Fenugreek for other issues, please do send comments so that we can share and more people can benefit from it
Recipe to make Fenugreek tea Decoction: Simmer 1.5 teaspoon of Fenugreek seeds in a cup of water for 10 minutes. Make a tea and drink for whatever ailment. Add honey if desired.

Check out how to grow you own organic fenugreek at home: http://hotsweetspicyrecipes.com/fenugreek-in-your-backyard/